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Magento Training Course in Pondicherry | Bangalore

  • Learn Magento from 8+ years Experience Trainer
  • Make a E- commerceWebsite with Magento
  • Build any E-commercewebsite
  • LAB Facility
  • Projects to Practice
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Mastering Magento Programme

Course description

Is Magento making you crazy and lost with its XML files and folder structure?

Sign up for “Become a Magento Developer – Front End Cert.”, a course with more than 370 satisfied students in its Brazil’s Portuguese version, now available with subtitles (by Silvia Castro).

This course is for developers and web professionals who are looking for an online Magento development course (M1). In this course we will talk about basic development, theme creation and how to customize a Magento store, following the best practices and recommendations of Magento.

The course was structured in a similar way to Magento FrontEnd Certification Study Guide, the official guide for the Front End developer certification.

What Will I Learn?

  • Understand the entire process of installing Magento with and without sample data
  • Categorize and create product types to organize your store’s inventory
  • Enhance your product pages with descriptions, images, and inventory information
  • Use tax and shipping rules along with payment gateway integration to generate revenue, and understand the order process to manage and ship your sales
  • Set up your store with a deep understanding of the available options and menu layouts
  • Create simple, complex, configurable, tangible, and virtual products to fill out your store’s inventory
  • Take control of your content and customize your product page's layout
  • Manage every aspect of your store, including ratings, reviews and tags

Curriculum For This Course

Installation and Setup

  1. Series Overview
  2. Creating the Database & Installing the Sample Data
  3. Setting File Permissions
  4. Installing Magento
  5. Post-Installation Configuration

Setting Up Your Store

  1. Admin Panel Introduction
  2. Overview of Dashboard, Sales, and Customers
  3. Overview of Promotions, Newsletter, CMS, and System
  4. Configuration Menu
  5. Creating Users and Roles
  6. Changing Your Theme

Attributes and Categories

Creating Products

  1. How to Create a Simple Product
  2. Custom Product Options
  3. Creating a Configurable Product
  4. Grouped Product
  5. Virtual Products
  6. Bundle Products
  7. Downloadable Products
  8. Troubleshooting

Customizing Your Store

  1. Adding CMS Pages
  2. Creating Static Blocks
  3. Using Widgets
  4. Adding Polls
  5. Changing Page Layouts
  6. Modifying Store e-mails

Shipping, Tax, and Accepting Payment

  1. Setting Up Tax
  2. Shipping Methods Overview
  3. Table Rate Shipping
  4. UPS Shipping
  5. USPS
  6. Setting Up PayPal Express

The Order Process

  1. Placing an Order
  2. When an Order Has Been Placed
  3. Managing Orders in the Backend
  4. Modifying an Order
  5. Creating an Invoice
  6. Shipping an Order/Completing the Process

Managing Your Store

  1. Managing Customers and Customer Lists
  2. Managing Search
  3. Managing Ratings
  4. Managing Reviews
  5. Managing Tags
Magento Developer
Magento Developer


  • It's structured and paced for beginners and covers the essentials they need to get started. Beginning with the very basics of installation, this course covers everything necessary to set up a basic store, with flexible functionality.

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