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Adobe Illustrator: Mastering the Fundamentals in Pondicherry

  • Practical Knowledge Training with Project
  • Lab Facility & Well Equipped Class Rooms
  • Every student will be working on Project
  • Special Focus for Practical Classes
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Illustrator Course description

Throughout each of the many lessons in this series titled, Illustrator: Mastering The Fundamentals, students are introduced to this powerful vector image creation program, which is a staple for professional designers everywhere.

After becoming familiar with the Illustrator’s user interface, students will go on to learn step-by-step how simple it is to create complex vector shapes using the powerful tools available within Illustrator.

What Will I Learn in Adobe Illustrator

  • To learn Adobe Illustrator from scratch
  • To learn only the tools and techniques you will actually use

Curriculum for Illustrator Course

Introduction to Adobe Illustrator

  1. Where to download Illustrator
  2. Creating a new document
  3. Navigation

Illustrator Basics

  1. Shapes
  2. Guides
  3. Brushes
  4. Text
  5. Text on a path
  6. Appearance Panel
  7. Gradients
  8. Shape builder
  9. Grouping
  10. Layers
  11. Rotate and scale
  12. Edit path
  13. Pen tool

Intermediate Illustrator

  1. 3D
  2. 3D revolve
  3. Rounded corners
  4. Feather blur
  5. Pucker bloat
  6. Pucker text
  7. Roughness
  8. Shadows
  9. Scribbles
  10. Warp


  • Adobe Illustrator (free trial or student version are fine)

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