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Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB Training in Pondicherry | Bangalore

  • Learn Digital Siganl processing from Experience Trainer
  • LAB Facility
  • Projects to Practice
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Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB

Course description

In this course, students will explore the vast world that is digital signal processing.  Students will undertake lessons in fundamentals such as discrete mathematics, signal and system representations, discrete Fourier and z-transforms, transfer functions and poles and zeros, and many others. All of these concepts are reinforced by example and practice using the MATLAB computational software package. 

What Will I Learn?

  • Identify and analyze digital signals and systems
  • Solid understanding of the Matlab programming language and how it is used in DSP
  • Analyze the effects of the incoming signals on the digital systems
  • Solid understanding of the Matlab DSP toolbox

Curriculum For This Course

Introduction to Matlab

  1. Matlab Introduction


  1. Time & Frequency Domain
  2. Convolution Example
  3. Enter the DFT
  4. DFT Computation and Example
  5. The Z Transform

FFT Convolution

  1. FFT Convolution

Digital Filters

  1. Ideal Filters & Specifications
  2. IIR Design
  3. FIR Design
  4. FIR Design Example
  5. Filter Realization

Filter Implementation

  1. Filter Implementation with Matlab Code

Filter Implementation

  1. Filter Implementation with Matlab Code

IIR Design Example and Code

  1. IR Design Example and Code

FIR Design Example and Code

  1. FIR Design Example

Image Filtering

  1. Image Filtering and Example Project with Code

Music Filtering

  1. Music Filtering and Example Project with Code


  • This course is self explanatory, and the required skills will be taught during the course. Knowledge of Matlab programming language and Math functions is preferred but not required.

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