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React and Flux Web Development

React Js Development

Course description

Think of a Smartphone and we think of Android. This operating software (OS) allows you o use all your favorite Google apps besides the different Goggle Apps being launched almost every day. Now that you have enjoyed using an Android Smartphone, why don’t you make a career as an Android App Developer? You get to work on what you love. Sounds interesting?

We at SoftwareLogic Innovation Hub offer android programming classes. As one of the leading android training institute in pondicherry we will introduce you to a wide range of skills and expertise required to develop android apps.

What Will I Learn?

  • Create web apps in react js
  • Create web apps that use firebase as login and database
  • Create web Apps with Auth0 login systems
  • Build 10 unique projects to build a solid profile in react js
  • Learn about components, props, states and component life cycle methods
  • Create web apps with Google login feature
  • Create web apps that use web API like reddit and github
  • Learn modern Javascript AKA ES6

Curriculum For This Course

Reactjs Introduction

  1. Our first virtual Hello World in reactjs
  2. Setting Reactjs in local environment

Getting the basics of Reactjs right

  1. What we will do in section 2 – Intro
  2. Github repo for React course is here
  3. Get all course codes and exercise files here
  4. Understanding reactjs App
  5. Creating our first react component
  6. Importing components from other files
  7. Calling functions in components
  8. Virtual DOM in reactjs

Props, state and component life cycle in reactjs

  1. What we will do in section 3 – Intro
  2. Props in reactjs
  3. props types in react js
  4. States in react js
  5. Components life cycle part 1
  6. Components life cycle part 2

3 Projects and routers in react JS

  1. What we will do in section 4 – Intro
  2. First Blog App – setting structure
  3. First blog App – breaking down components
  4. Timer App part 1 in react js
  5. Timer App part 2 in reactjs
  6. Course sales app – part 1 – setup
  7. Course sales App – part 2 – getting courses
  8. Course sales App – part 3 – logic for selecting courses
  9. React router baiscs
  10. Creating first route and link
  11. Route inside a route

3 projects - Firebase with React js

  1. What we will do in section 5 – Intro
  2. Usurvey App -setting up firebase
  3. Setting input form to ask name
  4. setting if else condition
  5. displaying questions for students
  6. handling questions with state
  7. saving everything to firebase and finish it
  8. Firebase Login App – Setting app structure
  9. Firebase Login App – Setting up login calls
  10. Firebase Login App – Setting up signup calls
  11. Firebase Login App – logout the user

3 projects with Auth0, Reddit API and github API

  1. What we will do in section 6- Intro
  2. API basics – setting up project
  3. API basics – getting subredit from JSON
  4. Github searcher – setting headers
  5. Github Searcher – showing login and signup popups
  6. setting user token and profile
  7. passing components to header for logout
  8. logout applied and clearing local storage
  9. fetching Github API with Fetch
  10. Handling search from github
  11. showing profiles of users
  12. Setting Environment for ES6

OPTIONAL - ES6 Bootcamp

  1. Let and const keyword with caution
  2. arrow functions in ES6
  3. THIS keyword is now fixed
  4. Code Hoisting and default parameters
  5. Dynamic Object creation
  6. For of loop – Best of all
  7. Super dots in ES6
  8. Setup and import export

OPTIONAL - ES6 Bootcamp Beyond basics

  1. exporting functions
  2. importing everything from files
  3. MAPS – complete guide
  4. SET in ES6 – marvel universe
  5. Static function and getters and setters in ES6
  6. Symbols in ES6
  7. Classes in ES6
  8. Introduction to promises in ES6
  9. Web request using promises

See you next time - Farewell

  1. Farewell

After launch updates

  1. Project 11 – Complete youtube video fetching app
  2. Redux Fundamentals – as easy as possible
React Js Development
React Js Development
Corporate Training


  • Basics of HTML
  • Basics of CSS
  • Basics of javascript like creating functions and loops
  • ES6 is NOT REQUIRED, it's covered in course

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