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PHP Training in Pondicherry | Bangalore

  • Learn PHP from 8+ years Experience Trainer
  • Make websites like facebook, flipkart etc.
  • Learn How to Create Ecommerce, Shopping Website using Worpress, Joomla and other CMS Platforms
  • LAB Facility
  • Projects to Practice
  • PHP, Mysql, Html 5, CSS, Javascripts, Ajax
  • Mock Exams and Interviews Conducted
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Web Development PHP Training with JOB Support


Course description

Our course on PHP-MYSQL will provide quick and focused training in PHP and MySQL which are arguably the most popular web development tool out there. You will start with basic PHP and will follow it up with a comprehensive training in MySQL. You will also build a complete web application from scratch using the concepts learned in this course.

Like all our other courses we have kept the content fun and we are sure it will be a enjoyable learning experience for you. So why wait be the expert web developer you always wanted to be!!

What Will I Learn?

  • Master PHP programming Language
  • Learn to use PHP-MYSQL to create dynamic websites and web apps
  • Learn MySQL database
  • Learn best development practices

Curriculum For This Course

Introduction to PHP

  1. Introduction to the Course
  2. PHP Fundamentals
  3. Environment Setup

PHP Basics

  1. PHP Variables and Arrays
  2. PHP Loops

Advanced PHP

  1. PHP Functions and Including
  2. PHP Conditionals and RegEx
  3. PHP OOP

MySQL Basics

  1. MySQL Fundamentals
  2. PHPMyAdmin And SQL Querying
  3. Connect PHP to MySQL & Fetch Data

Advanced MySQL

  1. PHP, MySQL and HTML Forms
  2. Object Oriented MySQLi
  3. PDO & Prep Statements
  4. Chapter 5 Project Part I
  5. Chapter 5 Project Part II


  • Any PC/Mac with an internet connection.

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PHP and MySQL ?

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All you need is Learn A-Z of PHP and MySQL with Softwarelogic Innovation Hub, 

Become Certified Professional And Get Placed with our Free JOB Assistance Program