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Automation Training in Pondicherry

  • Practical Knowledge Training with Project
  • Lab Facility & Well Equipped Class Rooms
  • Every student will be working on Project
  • Special Focus for Practical Classes
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Automation course description

This course is designed for people who wants to shift their career to automated testing. For the past several years, QA and test analyst job ads have stressed the need for test automation skills. demand for test automation has continued to grow, and now some teams are completely eliminating manual testers and hiring only test professionals with test automation skills.

Here’s why gaining test automation skills is a quality assurance career must, if you want to remain marketable as a tester. If you are not experienced in programming, but still hoping to learn test automation Selenium IDE and SideeX is where you should start.
After finish this course you’ll find you can create automated tests. This course will assist you in learning effective techniques in building test automation for web applications.

What Will I Learn in Automation training?

  • Recording Test Script
  • A lot of practical examples
  • Learn various webpage element locating strategies to help do better test automation
  • Understand all the features of Selenium IDE so as to master using it
  • Playback Test Script
  • Learn about Selenium Commands with hands on exercises
  • Use real life applications to practice automation skills

Curriculum For Automation testing course


  1. Introduction
  2. Automation Testing

Selenium IDE (SideeX) basics

  1. Introducing Selenium IDE (SideeX)
  2. Installation
  3. Main Features
  4. Build Test Case


  1. Main Commands


  1. Mostly used locators


  1. Coupons to my other courses


  • Manual Testing Knowledge
  • Basic understanding of HTML

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Automation Tester ?

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