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ISTQB Training In Pondicherry | Bangalore

  • Practical Knowledge Training with Project
  • Lab Facility & Well Equipped Class Rooms
  • Every student will be working on Project
  • Special Focus for Practical Classes
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Course description

This course is designed for people seeking foundation level certification based on the ISTQB certification program. This course completely covers the current ISTQB syllabus (2011 version) and also provides additional information and guidance in key areas. The terms used in this course are taken from the current ISTQB glossary.

Besides learning the basics of software testing and the effect of testing and quality on the overall software life cycle, We’ll concentrate heavily on helping you pass the exam from your first trail. and We do that by solving hundreds of questions with you and giving you exam tips in every area. and being with you answering all your questions all the time.

What Will I Learn?

  • Prepare for the ISTQB foundation level certification exam (CTFL)
  • Learn how to design tests that adequately cover requirements and business events
  • Learn from an industry recognized expert in software testing and quality
  • Understand the key issues in testing software applications.
  • Advance your career by reinforcing your testing expertise.

Curriculum For This Course


  1. About ISTQB [CC]
  2. About the ISTQB Foundation Level Curriculum [CC]
  3. About the ISTQB Foundation Level Exam [CC]

Fundamentals of Testing

  1. Software Systems Context [CC]
  2. Causes of Software Defects [CC]
  3. Role of Testing in Software Development, Maintenance and Operations [CC]
  4. Testing and Quality [CC]
  5. What Is Testing? [CC]
  6. Seven Testing Principles [CC]
  7. Fundamental Test Process – Introduction [CC]
  8. Fundamental Test Process – Planning and Control [CC]
  9. Fundamental Test Process – Analysis and Design [CC]
  10. Fundamental Test Process – Implementation and Execution [CC]
  11. Fundamental Test Process – Evaluating Exit Criteria and Reporting [CC]
  12. Fundamental Test Process – Test Closure [CC]
  13. Fundamental Test Process – Conclusion [CC]
  14. Independent Testing [CC]
  15. Developer – tester Communication [CC]
  16. The Psychology of Testing [CC]
  17. Code of Ethics [CC]
  18. Fundamentals of Testing Quiz
  19. Explanations to the Quiz answers

Testing Throughout The Software Life Cycle

  1. Software Development Models : The Waterfall Model [CC]
  2. Software Development Models : Guidelines [CC]
  3. Software Development Models : Verification and Validation [CC]
  4. The V-Model [CC]
  5. Incremental – Iterative Development Models [CC]
  6. Test Levels : Unit Testing [CC]
  7. Testing Levels : Integration Testing [CC]
  8. Testing Levels : System Testing [CC]
  9. Testing Levels : Acceptance Testing [CC]
  10. Test Types [CC]
  11. Test Types vs Test Levels [CC]
  12. Maintenance Testing [CC]
  13. Testing Throughout The Software Life Cycle Quiz

Static Techniques

  1. Reviews And The Test Process [CC]
  2. Review Process : Introduction [CC]
  3. Activities of the Review Process [CC]
  4. Formal Review Roles and Responsibilities [CC]
  5. Review Types [CC]
  6. Review Process : Success Factors [CC]
  7. Static Analysis By Tools [CC]
  8. Static Techniques Quiz
  9. Explanations to the Quiz answe

Test Design Techniques

  1. The Test Development Process [CC]
  2. Categories of Test Design Techniques [CC]
  3. Specification-Based Or Black-Box Techniques : Equivalence Partitioning [CC]
  4. Equivalence partitioning Example [CC]
  5. Specification-Based Or Black-Box Techniques : Boundary Value Analysis [CC]
  6. Boundary Value Analysis Example [CC]
  7. Specification-Based Or Black-Box Techniques : Decision Table [CC]
  8. Specification-Based Or Black-Box Techniques : State Transition Diagram [CC]
  9. Specification-Based Or Black-Box Techniques : Use Case Testing [CC]
  10. Structure-Based Or White-Box Techniques : Introduction [CC]
  11. Structure-Based Or White-Box Techniques : Statement Coverage [CC]
  12. Structure-Based Or White-Box Techniques : Decision Coverage [CC]
  13. Other Structure-based Techniques [CC]
  14. Experience-based Techniques [CC]
  15. Choosing Test Techniques [CC]
  16. Test Design Techniques Quiz
  17. Explanation to Quiz Answers

Test Management

  1. Risk And Testing [CC]
  2. Independent Testing [CC]
  3. Tasks of Test Leader and Tester [CC]
  4. Test Strategy and Test Approach [CC]
  5. Test Planning [CC]
  6. Test Plan Sections [CC]
  7. Test Planning Activities [CC]
  8. Test Estimation [CC]
  9. Test Progress Monitoring [CC]
  10. Test Summary Reporting [CC]
  11. Test Control [CC]
  12. Configuration Management [CC]
  13. Incident Management [CC]
  14. Test Management Quiz
  15. Explanantion to Quiz Answers

Tool Support For Testing

  1. Tools Support for Testing: Introduction [CC]
  2. Test Tool Types : Test Tools Classification [CC]
  3. Test Tool Types : Test Management Tools [CC]
  4. Test Tool Types : Static Testing Tools [CC]
  5. Test Tool Types: Test Specification Tools [CC]
  6. Test Tool Types: Test Execution and Logging Tools [CC]
  7. Test Execution Tool Types [CC]
  8. Test Tool Types : Performance and Monitoring Tools [CC]
  9. Test Tool Types : Specific Testing Needs Tools [CC]
  10. Potential Benefits and Risks of using Tools [CC]
  11. Introducing a Tool into an Organization [CC]
  12. Tool Support For Testing Quiz
  13. Explanations to Quiz Answers


  • A basic software life cycle background is highly recommended
  • Very basic software programming is needed

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