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IOS Development Training in Pondicherry | Bangalore

  • Practical Knowledge Training with Project
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Mobile Applications

Course description

Welcome to the world’s most comprehensive course on iOS development. This course is designed like an in-person coding bootcamp to give you the most amount of content and help with the least amount of cost.

Here are some of the things you’ll be able to do after taking this course:

  • Submit apps to the app store
  • Understand programming & basic algorithms
  • Work fluently with Swift 3 & iOS 10
  • Apply to jr iOS development jobs
  • Work as an iOS contractor

What Will I Learn?

  • Build iOS 10 & Swift 3 apps
  • Work as an iOS contractor
  • Apply to jr. iOS development jobs
  • Submit iOS apps to the Apple App Store

Curriculum For This Course

Getting Started With iOS 10 & Swift 3

  1. Intro to Course
  2. Register as an Apple Developer
  3. Downloading Xcode 8
  4. Installing Xcode 8
  5. Building your first Swift 3 iOS 10 App
  6. Where to get free live help
  7. Setting Learning Expectations

Learn to code with Swift 3

  1. Intro to Xcode 8 Changes
  2. Variables, operators, & how computers work
  3. Swift 3 strings
  4. Swift 3 numbers
  5. Swift 3 functions
  6. Swift 3 Booleans & conditional logic
  7. Swift 3 constants & logical operators
  8. Swift 3 arrays
  9. Swift 3 loops

Version Control With Git & Github

  1. Coding Warmup: Loops
  2. About version control
  3. Git basics
  4. Setting up Github
  5. Github vs Bitbucket
  6. Local & remote Git repositories
  7. Working through Git merge conflicts
  8. Github Desktop
  9. Exercise: Pushing your code to Github

Foundational iOS

  1. iOS 10 App: Miracle Pills – Xcode 8 Updates
  2. iOS 10 App: Miracle Pills 01 – Autolayout & project creation
  3. iOS 10 App: Miracle Pills 02 – Width, height, leading, trailing constraints
  4. iOS 10 App: Miracle Pills 03 – UIPickerView
  5. Exercise: Extending Miracle Pills
  6. Working with UIScrollView
  7. Working with UIStackview
  8. Changing Screens with Segues – Xcode 8 Updates
  9. Changing screens with segues

Working With REST & Web Requests on iOS 10 & Swift 3

  1. How web requests work on iOS 10
  2. Understanding JSON on iOS 10
  3. iOS 10 App: Rainy Shine – Xcode 8 Updates
  4. iOS 10 App: Rainy Shine – App intro & project creation
  5. iOS 10 App: Rainy Shine – Intro to Cocoapods
  6. iOS 10 App: Rainy Shine – Installing Cocoapods & Alamofire
  7. iOS 10 App: Rainy Shine – Creating the interface with IBOutlets
  8. iOS 10 App: Rainy Shine – Table view, delegate, & datasource
  9. iOS 10 App: Rainy Shine – OpenWeather API Registration
  10. iOS 10 App: Rainy Shine – Data model and constants
  11. Downloading data from the API with Alamofire
  12. iOS 10 App: Rainy Shine – Parse JSON data
  13. iOS 10 App: Rainy Shine – Updating UI with data from the API
  14. iOS 10 App: Rainy Shine – Data modeling & initializing weather Dictionary

Data Persistence & Core Data

  1. Intro to Core Data App
  2. Why Use Core Data
  3. Core Data Architecture Overview
  4. iOS 10 App: DreamLister Part 1 – Creating a Data Model
  5. iOS 10 App: DreamLister Part 2 – Designing the Views
  6. iOS 10 App: DreamLister Part 3 – Connecting the Views
  7. iOS 10 App: DreamLister Part 4 – NSFetchedResultsController
  8. iOS 10 App: DreamLister Part 5 – Fetching and Displaying Data
  9. iOS 10 App: DreamLister Part 6 – Laying Out The Details Screen
  10. iOS 10 App: DreamLister Part 7 – Implementing UIPickerView
  11. iOS 10 App: DreamLister Part 8 – Saving Data from a Form

Protocol Oriented Programming and Advanced Swift 3

  1. Intro to Protocol Oriented Programming
  2. Writing your first protocols
  3. Creating protocol extensions
  4. Generics & protocols
  5. Protocol Oriented Programming – Xcode 8 Updates
  6. Practical examples using protocol oriented programming
  7. Recursive Functions

iOS 10 Hot New Features

  1. iOS 10: iMessage Sticker App Extension
  2. iOS 10: Speech Recognition API
  3. iOS 10: User Notifications – Xcode 8 Updates
  4. iOS 10: User Notifications

Building Full Stack Apps With Firebase

  1. Intro to Firebase
  2. Firebase Push Notifications – Creating the project
  3. Firebase Push Notifications – Creating a push cert
  4. Firebase Push Notifications – Connecting via code to Firebase messaging
  5. Sorting Data in Firebase – Xcode 8 Updates
  6. Sorting Data in Firebase
Mobile Applications
Mobile Applications
Mobile Applications


  • Must have a computer with OSX or macOS on it

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